In the recent year, 72 bicyclists were seriously injured in Sacramento County. That is 4.61 accidents for every 100,000 residents, according to UC Berkley’s California Active Transportation Safety Information Pages (CATSIP). Fatalities from these wrecks are also unfortunately prominent. These critical accidents are generally caused by motorists driving negligently and hitting cyclists sharing the road.

Because bicyclists are more vulnerable than motorists, injuries are often more severe and may require a substantial amount of rehabilitation, or leave an injured bicyclist permanently disabled. When you are injured in a bicycle accident caused by a careless motorist, leaving you strapped with medical bills and unable to work, a Sacramento bicycle accident lawyer can negotiate with the motorist’s insurer or present your case for compensation to a jury. Reach out to Erkel Law, P.C. to learn more.

Bicycle Helmets and Fault

Although bicycle helmets are known to save lives, four out of five adults do not wear them. California Vehicle Code Article 4, Section21212a, requires bicyclists and passengers younger than 18 to wear approved helmets while bicycling on public property. Minors riding non-motorized scooters, skateboards, or on roller skates, must also wear helmets.

When insured motorists crash into adults not wearing bike helmets, insurance companies pounce on that fact before delivering lowball settlement offers. Adjusters often point out that if the bicyclist had been wearing a helmet, the injuries would be far less serious. They often accuse injured cyclists of contributing to their own accidents which, in court, can reduce a damages award under California’s pure comparative negligence law. Erkel Law, P.C. will not cave into these tactics. When a client is injured, a Sacramento bike accident attorney calculates a fair settlement and heads to court if insurers do not meet it.

How Erkel Law, P.C. Helps Bicycle Accident Clients

Erkel Law, P.C. will be tenacious about getting injured bicyclists compensated when a motorist is negligent and harms them. This includes:

  • Reimagining an accident by assessing the police report
  • Applying California and local law to support a bicyclist’s acts and build a negligence case against the motorist
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Hiring expert witnesses when appropriate
  • Becoming familiar with medical records to understand how much an appropriate insurance settlement or damages award should be
  • Negotiating for an appropriate insurance settlement or litigating if necessary

A Sacramento bicycle accident attorney with a successful track record can advocate for bicyclists injured by negligent motorists.

Damages Available After a Bike Accident

After a successful claim, injured bicyclists are entitled to be paid for the medical care associated with the accident, future rehabilitative care, lost current and future wages, property damage, and emotional trauma for consequences like disfigurement, paralysis, and loss of enjoyment of life.

Let a Sacramento Bicycle Accident Attorney Stand With You

Unprotected bicyclists are no match for a two-ton vehicle, and the injuries they sustain are often debilitating. With mounting medical and household bills that will be difficult to pay if your injuries keep you from working and other losses, such as recurring pain, and your emotional condition, you need someone who can take the lead in handling legal details so you can focus on recovering. Let a Sacramento bicycle accident lawyer fight for your financial future after a negligent driver threatens it. Call Erkel Law, P.C. today.

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